The World Health Organization released some startling information…
Their report—released April 26th, 2021—has indicated falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide…
…with adults over 55 being at greatest risk of sustaining moderate to fatal injuries from a fall.
So how do we prevent that from happening?
According to Harvard Medical School, the best way to prevent falls is through strength training.
Strength training is THE most effective way to slow and possibly reverse the decline of muscle tissue, bone density, and overall mobility.
Strong muscles make it easier to balance your body properly when moving or standing still, or to catch yourself if you trip…
And they’re your best insurance to make sure you can continue to do the things and see the people you love.
Strong muscles also reduce strain on your heart…
Plus they help keep blood sugar levels in check, which in turn helps prevent or better control type 2 diabetes.
Strength training doesn’t have to be complicated either…
A simple program done in-home 2 or 3 times a week can help you boost strength by up to 60%.
Strength training
Strength training is highly beneficial for seniors. It can delay muscular deterioration and help build a better body with greater endurance levels. Strength training will also help condition your body enabling you to maintain a healthy level of mobility and balance. It’s also great for flexibility.
But wait there are more reasons to begin a strength training program.
Cardiovascular health
Reduced mobility in later life is often due to the lack of cardiovascular health. Through a tailored exercise programme CV training can get the blood pumping and make the heart stronger and happier. Firing all your energy systems an exercise program is essential especially for maintaining a healthy weight and heart!
Balance & flexibility
Improving balance with certain exercises can really enhance the quality of later life ensuring the risk of falling is limited ensuring you are safer and injury free for longer! Your trainer will help devise a programme to improve your balance and motor skills.
Enhances every day life
Being fitter all-round will enhance almost every area of your life as a senior. You will find that you have the energy and body power to partake in your favourite activities such as golf, tennis, swimming etc – you will have a new lease of life! You won’t get tired as easily so you can enjoy the grand kids games and take them out for some fun activities! Your mobility and confidence will vastly improve giving you a better quality of life for longer!
Reduces medical health and correlates with better psychological wellbeing
Of course, we must not forget that exercise releases endorphins, and endorphins make us happy; it’s a scientific fact. Regular exercise will keep your mental health in check. Because you will have improved your balance, flexibility and CV health you can enjoy less falls and mishaps therefore reducing your medical health costs.
Often, as a senior, you may only need to exercise 20 to 30 minutes, two or three days a week, to develop relatively high levels of musculoskeletal fitness for a better quality of life, but your Personal Trainer will formulate an exercise plan tailored to your individual needs.
It’s never too late to get fit but always get clearance from your doctor first and begin your journey to the best years of your life.
If you want help with your strength training routine…
Contact us using the form below.
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Personal Training For Seniors
In-home personal trainers for seniors
Being a senior isn’t an excuse to slow down, it’s the perfect time to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself you can possibly be.
With the help of a trained professional there’s no saying how much you could achieve.
Below we are going to show you just some of the benefits you could reap if you worked with an in home personal trainer for seniors…
Makes you feel GREAT
In home personal training for seniors is one of the most beneficial things to embark upon in later life. Exercising safely will get the blood pumping around your body and stimulate the release of the feel good hormones more commonly known as endorphins. Endorphins make you happy and if you are happier, in a positive mindset you are more likely to achieve all the things you want to achieve. Look good and feel good!
Keeps those joints strong
As a senior, it’s never been so important so keep your joints moving. Exercise increases strength and flexibility and reduces joint pain. It can and help to combat fatigue. Keeping your joints strong can actually help to prevent a whole host of potential injuries, which you really don’t want in older age. An in home personal trainer can ensure you exercise safely in the comfort of your own home.
If you’re interested in learning more about personal training for seniors check out our blog here